Mediterranean eating is a great way to eat for heart health. It includes lots of heart healthy veggies and whole grains.
Why Mediterranean?
As I talked with my primary care physician and my cardiologist, they both recommended I try eating a more Mediterranean style of eating. In fact, the Mayo clinic recommends eating a Mediterranean style diet for heart health. Check out the article HERE. Studies have found that those in countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece and Italy, have decreased incidents of heart disease. (Sofi F, et al. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and health status: Meta-analysis. BMJ. 2008;337:a1344.)
Studies have found that those in countries around the Mediterranean Sea...have decreased incidents of heart disease.
What is Mediterranean?
The Mayo Clinic gives a simple list of this style of eating. "The main components of Mediterranean diet include:
Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats
Weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs
Moderate portions of dairy products
Limited intake of red meat"
The foundation of the Mediterranean style of eating is plant-based rather than meat-based. They eat meals with family and friends and do some kind of daily exercise. They also use healthy fats such olive oil in their cooking. In future posts I will share tasty recipes I have found. Do you have a favorite Mediterranean recipe?